Guidlines ForGiant Car Boot
The Following Trading Conditions Must Be Complied With
- Counterfeit goods including DVDs, designer clothes, bags, t/shirts etc.
- Stolen Property
- Under no circumstances will Power Tools be allowed to be sold at our Car Boots.
- Guns real, replica or toy guns, knives or dangerous weapons
- Fireworks or anything that can cause fire
- Pornographic material
- Cigarettes, tobacco, alcohol or vapes
Please Also Note:
- Food and drink not allowed to be sold by Car Booters as there are Concessions for these.
- No rubbish or unsold goods to be left on the field, offenders will be monitored by the Security and charged and not allowed back to any of our Events.
- Sellers who use gazebos do so entirely at their own risk and are responsible for securing their own gazebos
- Dogs are allowed at the event when it is open, at owners own risk and only on a lead, with a poopscoop/bags for the owner to dispose of.
- At no time when the event is closed are dogs or their owners allowed onto the site for either walking or exercising as this is private property. This also applies to walkers and motor bike riders.
Please respect our neighbours and do not make any noise whilst queuing, entering or parking at the Car Boot Site early on, including no blowing of horns and radios kept low.